I am a strong supporter of the idea that weight loss management can't succeed without education. I also try to always educate myself about any new trends and scientific discovering on weight loss management. I was doing some research for a post on my site about Dr. Dunkan, the weight loss guru since he published his book in 2000 and who was banned last January from the medical register in his country, France. I came to 2 scientific articles published between days about Dr. Dunkan.
The first was published on January 21st 2014 at University of Granada, Spain, critiques Dr. Dunkan high protein diet for the risk of kidney disease, and suggests a close follow up to anybody following a high protein diet.
The second one, published on February 3rd, talks about the immediate results and significant weight loss results of Dr. Dunkan Diet. This one was published in New York and was conducted by Medium Research, sounds like founded by Dr. Dunkan Diet???!!!!!.
Two articles, a few days apart. totaly diferent directions and in between Dr. Dunkan is banned from the medical register....
As I always say, scientific studies are just part of the equation, and need to be considered in perspective and in the whole picture. And always read the small letter before taking conclusions!
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