Any Scientific Study has a catch, and when the results are provided to us, not everybody “knows how” or “is willing to” reveal that catch. As a result, we can be learning about a “New Study” from a biased perspective. The study can be of little importance to you and therefore you don’t need to go further than keeping a question mark just in case.
But, if such study is relevant to you, then, try to go further, look for an alternative source of information and if it is REALLY important to you, try to get the source of the article.
Here I have the links to some news releases relating the new clinical trial that suggest that diet sodas help weight loss management.
The general link I am providing you with is from CNN who did a great job researching deeper into the clinical trial and the results, and getting into the point:
- That the people in the trial were already HEAVY SODA DRINKERS and therefore it was going to be difficult to quit soda at the same time they started a weight loss management program
- That the group that wasn’t allowed to drink diet soda (also heavy diet soda drinkers) were probably compensating for not drinking soda by eating or drinking other sweet products
- That the study was founded by the American Beverage Association (interesting)
If you only saw the news from CBS News or read the Science Daily article you would probably have walked away with the idea that a “Scientific Research Study”, conducted by Doctors, just demonstrated that diet soda helped with weight loss management.
If you read the initial study or saw CNN news report, you would find a very different truth. So, as I always say, if you think Scientific Results hold the big truths just because are called Scientific or held by Doctors, just read the small writing and analyze deeper what you are reading.
If you don’t have time to read the 3 links, watch at least the short video from CNN. Worth the time!
CNN News:
CBS News:
Science Daily:
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